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Message From the Editor

     Welcome to the fifteenth edition of Scribere! I am delighted to present a special edition -- the Summer of Coronavirus Poetry Competition Issue! We asked and you all answered: How has the pandemic impacted your life, in ways good or bad, big or small, happy or sad? Submissions have poured in from around the globe, and while we were delighted to announce the winners and honorable mentions, the overall caliber of the submissions was so high that we decided to honor all of them with publication in this special issue. 

     In this special issue, you'll find over ninety pieces of original poetry. These authors all approached the pandemic from various angles, but the overarching theme was that our world will never be the same again. It's our hope that this opportunity to put your fears and hopes and anxieties into words will allow you to make sense of it all and find meaning in these unique circumstances. 

     With good news of a vaccine in sight, I hope you continue to find the time to put pen to paper and flex your creative muscles. 

     Stay masked, stay safe, and stay creative, and wishing all our readers and authors a happy holiday season! 


-- Keshav D.

Founding Editor, Scribere

An online literary journal for youth ages 11-18. Our mission? To inspire youth creativity.

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