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The Sailor


“He had told Martha he was going on a fishing expedition but didn’t take the old dragger. He went out sailing alone to see if he could still tackle the sea.” 


Saul Brauns





“The best people always have it the worst. Getting sick, going into debt, dying. And the worst of the worst, the most terrible people, they just get to walk free out there, robbing, hurting folk, doing whatever it is they want. Sometimes I wonder what the hell kind of god would let those kinds of things happen, you know?”


Kyle Zhang​​



The Dream of Domitian


“I watched the laser light tremble / red a streak of cherry ice.” â€‹

Katie Kim



Sculpting Aphrodite


“Hear this Cytherea howl / in the cradle of her Cyprus.” 


Meheru Alaspure



blind spot, seaborn


“manipulation: the sea where rosy eyes finally realize / lungs filled for so long never learned how to breathe. ”


Christine Novelero



Someday I'll Love Lila Raj


“trace the silhouette / of your first home, fingertip / on fingertip.” â€‹

Lila Raj



Dear Little Me,


“Someday you'll wish you were still scared of boys.” 


Cailyn Porter



We here, not meant to drown


“I float where you sunk for our / pleasures possibly two centuries ago.” 


Skye Preston



Creative Nonfiction

Beyond Words: On People-Watching, NPR, and the Wisdom of Toni Morrison


“Though I was young, I was fascinated, overwhelmed, even, by this tiny display of humanity.” â€‹

Lila Raj





“Giraffe, I answer. Every six-year-old knows what a giraffe is: a long-necked, savanna-dwelling steed plated in wet brown flagstones. But she shakes her head, sunlight slanting over her silvering curls.” â€‹

Katie Kim



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